Saturday, 1 August 2015

Ager 2015

So after leaving Wednesday morning I've finally arrived in Ager.  The picture is from the pool terrace of the hotel Terradets.  Very civilised unlike the campsite and not costing much more either.

Hamish has proved himself as Mr Unreliable yet again.  I arrive at Jim and Kate's house NW of Tolouse to find no one in.  Fortunately the presence of the dogs suggest they will turn up.  Unfortunately no Hamish who's still back in England.  Not only had he not told me he'd not got round to planning anything.  He'd not told Jim and Kate when I/We would turn up.  He's also forgotten to tell Alex and partner that he was going away and hence wouldn't be there to house sit the Elms.... How to piss off three separate groups of people by failing to communicate anything to anybody. 

Fortunately Jim and Kate are happy for me to stay whilst Hamish gets his act together and works out what he's going to do.  Given Thursday and Friday was wall to wall cunimbs in both Northern Spain and consequently southern France I gratefully accept and leave the final leg of the journey for Saturday morning.  Meeting Tim and Darren as soon as I arrive on Ager.

So flying tomorrow hopefully.

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