Thursday, 1 August 2013

Ager - Day 5 canned...but 4 was good

Day 4 was excellent as a lot of the thermals were marked by griffon vultures which are amazing to fly with.  Good climbs in the Tremp valley behind Ager, although a lot of pilots reported rough climbs in the Ager mine were fine.
Paul raced on too much and decked out in the valley behind turn point one. Leaving Mike and I to fight it out.  I eventually caught Mike up on the glide to turn point three having ridge soared 10 km through turn point two and getting a good 5 up right at the end of the ridge to 9200`.  Leaving me with a 10.8 to 1 glide to goal via turnpoint three on the hills on the opposite side of the valley.
At turn point three I was down to 10.6, but took some weak lift thinking I would need at least a 10:1 after Gordon reported the valley crossing to be even deader down low when he landed short of goal.
However the lift was weak and the glide went to 10.7 then 10.8 as the thermal was drifting away from goal and not improving beyong a half up. Oh well here we go... glide figures ranged from 8.8 to 24. In with maybe 150 over the ground.  Now where is the wind... No where..oh well let's up slope it.
Mike had stopped for a last climb so I beat him in by 6 minutes yee haa.... oh and he also jumped the gun for a 36 point penalty.
So Thursday canned due to strong easterly. Looks like Casleton de SOS tomorrow. Damned long drive so an 8.30 brief...
Here is the Day 4 Track log:

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