Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The fat lady sings after we all bottom land

So a last valiant attempt at a task, but no one activates so this years BOS ends with 4 valid tasks for the rigids and 6 for the flexis from 15 days of competition.
Being the one series of events dedicated to hang gliding it's always great to meet up with pilots from across the country.  Just a shame the weather played some disappointing games with this years fun and games.
The final flight I had 350 fpm descent from the blorenge.  Given my sink rate is around 120 fpm this means 230fpm of descending air...no wonder the flight was so quick.

Down Down way on down

Oops Forgot me gloves...

Not airborne long enough for it to matter though

Where was that field....Still height to burn

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Bbbblorenge it is

A rather windy day on the Blorenge.  Justin has won the day with 26k.  Majority of the field is down under the 10k minimum distance.

Hopefully a better day tomorrow.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

More history

So St Fagan museum of welsh life yesterday and Llancaiach Fawr manor today. Oh and New Tredegar winding house.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Ager the clean up...

Cleaning out my harness and found this little collection in the boot protector.  Come on Woody Valley surely you can come up with a cleaner more aerodynamic design than this?  Preferably one that doesnt scoop up stones when walking to launch.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Today I shall be mostly spotting moving tractors

...oh and stationary traffic around stutgart.

The AIR factory is in a beutiful setting with views of the lake, mountains behind and a fairy tale castle on the hill.  Landing fields in front with the odd paraglider who will have gone up on the cable car a few hundred yards up the road.  Most visit their againand have time for a flight.

Big thanks to Felix, Tim and Sven for sorting out the issues caused by unnecessary and unrequested changes to my glider.  Probably a new sail for me next year...

... Each and every highway...

Monday morning in Zurich. Tsunami deposited with buyer in Grenoble.  On to Germany and the AIR factory...

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Last sunrise

This is the sunrise in the gorge on the day of departure.

...of this I'm certain

Well actually not at present.  Down to Andy, myself and Ilya today in the rigid comp.  Andy in goal and me 2/3rds the way round the course.

Just had prize giving Paul held on to second place despite not flying today. Interesting task on a day that tailed off rapidly unlike the previous week.

Flying and thermals were infinitely more fun today than yesterday.

Some thoughts tomorrow.  Car packed ready for the epic return via Germany.

Friday, 9 August 2013

And the end is near...

An ambitous task round the Tremp valley was set but at the time of writing only shedsy hsd activated and a few others got drilled over the back.  Most of the rest of the field either landed at the bottom or did not fly with very few making more than a few hundred over take off.

For the rigids Mike had a broken tip rod so could not fly. Paul, myself and Ilya were in the bottom field only Andy is know to have gone over the back.

Scoring tonight is very relaxed..

Off into the flats

A short task yesterday 86km via a sinin the NW airle turnpoint to calaef aerodrome. Unfortunately problems with anothee rib in the glider meant I was on of the last off.

So onky 20ks and no goal cake for me. No rigids made goal and only a few flexis. Those that left early reported great flights flying up the side if the clouds in front of ager to over 8000'.

Meanwhile the tail enders were coping with a 20 mph westerly.

Lee side clouds in front of take off in the NW air.

Andy tells Richard how it is...

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Belgian Day 2 - 29th July

Here is Belgian Day2 Tracklog:

And on the fourth day they rested

So rain this morning, lots of cloud cover and CuNbs last night. Time to play with the glider, fiddle on the computer and have a look at Ballaguer old town after the siesta.

Will attempt to upload track log pictures to the posts for each rigid task if all goes well.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Nicely judged little task

A short one today to get us all round the course before the CuNb formed and/of the high cloud came in and killed the day. So 65 km round 4 turn points. Andy won yet again with mike in second and me in third but only 14 points between second and fourth.
Personally still happy as that's now 6 goal flights from 6 tasks.

Ferro Rocha here we come

So yesterday's task was a 154 km race to the big hill nicknamed the ferro Rocha which is the most awesome ridge I've ever flown. What's more it's parting gift was the biggest smoothest 7.5 up to 10,500 feet that I have ever experienced.  Oh and it was nice and cool up there.
Wayne must have had the most bitter sweet of days having flown 95 miles he ended up 150 m short of the goal cylinder. Correction according to the scores he was 8m short. Blimey Wayne you should have just walked the last bit!
Andy and Paul are leaving me dead on the speed so I'm solidly in third place in the rigid comp.  Handy having all those flexwings around to mark the thermals. About the only time I'm sure of what to aim for and have the courage to go on a fast glide is when there is a good gaggle climbing ahead.
Results here: http://bhgcresults.wikidot.com/2013-nationals:results

Track log below:

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Day 1 British Nationals

So a good day with a 105km task.  All 5 rigid pilots in goal. Andy was having instrument problems again but  hopefully his back up worked and we'll know the scores in the morning.
I intend to see if I can get hold of the class 5 tracklogs to put in SeeYou and then publish them here in a single picture.

And my track log...

I wasn't expecting that!

Insted of the normal not enough pilots in class 5 for a prize they gave out first, second  and third so all three pilots got to stand on the podium.

The other unexpected event was yhe club class winner was the only pilot to achieve goal on the final day was a female pilot.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

And the fat lady sings or was that thunder?

CuNimbs last night and today so no flying.  Despite making goal on all three days that I flew and only coming last on the first day. Missing day three due to a broken rib end means I'm last yet again.

Still some good flying, beautiful scenery and amazing company both in the air and on the ground (including the Griffon Vultures in the air) has made for a fun week. 

Thanks to the Belgians for a great fun and friendly comp.  Now to call AIR and see if I'm going to get my VR in time for the at least part of the Brits.

Friday, 2 August 2013

They'll be driving down the mountain yet again...

So wind east below the inversion and south above it somewhere just above the mountain.  Day has been canned and i'm now sat in the shade on the veranda listening to an easterly wind howling through the trees. Suspect it's a good job we are not trying to land in this.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Ager - Day 5 canned...but 4 was good

Day 4 was excellent as a lot of the thermals were marked by griffon vultures which are amazing to fly with.  Good climbs in the Tremp valley behind Ager, although a lot of pilots reported rough climbs in the Ager mine were fine.
Paul raced on too much and decked out in the valley behind turn point one. Leaving Mike and I to fight it out.  I eventually caught Mike up on the glide to turn point three having ridge soared 10 km through turn point two and getting a good 5 up right at the end of the ridge to 9200`.  Leaving me with a 10.8 to 1 glide to goal via turnpoint three on the hills on the opposite side of the valley.
At turn point three I was down to 10.6, but took some weak lift thinking I would need at least a 10:1 after Gordon reported the valley crossing to be even deader down low when he landed short of goal.
However the lift was weak and the glide went to 10.7 then 10.8 as the thermal was drifting away from goal and not improving beyong a half up. Oh well here we go... glide figures ranged from 8.8 to 24. In with maybe 150 over the ground.  Now where is the wind... No where..oh well let's up slope it.
Mike had stopped for a last climb so I beat him in by 6 minutes yee haa.... oh and he also jumped the gun for a 36 point penalty.
So Thursday canned due to strong easterly. Looks like Casleton de SOS tomorrow. Damned long drive so an 8.30 brief...
Here is the Day 4 Track log: