Sunday 16 March 2014


Ballsed up whilst turning the glider round and managed to ground loop the glider on the front of the hill.  Fortunately no damaged done beyond some scuffing on the brand new noise cone.

Monday 10 March 2014

Dooh! Good day missed again

Was busy Sunday due to Church APCM.  Taka also came in the afternoon and wanted me to show him how to rig his new VRS.  Not sure he was that impressed with how much more long winded it was than his old VS.  The bit we found hardest was derigging, when we could not get both tip tubes back into the D cell.  In the end it looks like you have to lay the folding ribs differently to the VR just to fit them in! Should have taken a picture.  Perhaps I will save it for the first rig of my VR with the new sail.