Saturday, 29 June 2013

The Iceman cometh...

So turn points, airspace and maps acquired for Xcsoar.  Brauniger to sort of tonight after today's flying at westbury. 

The pilot list includes Manfred Ruhmer fortunately the iceman is in class 2 not class 5 with us mere mortals.  Registered and confirmed pilot list stand at 20 with another 7 registered but not confirmed yet so a fairly sparse field in class 5.  Even the French nationals for class one only has 50ish registered.

However looking forward to flying a new area and getting some good flying in.  Thanks to everyone for their support and hopefully we can give you some entertainment over the next two weeks.  I just wish I did not have to be leaving Andover at four in the morning this Tuesday...

My livetrack24 id is REDTIP for those who want to spice their working day up tracking the flights as they happen.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

And on the fifth day...

I'm stood in a field at the bottom of wenlock edge with Gordon and Mike having watched at least two gaggles go over and two other people landed close by.  Oh well can't win them all.

Scores update: Luke and Taka made goal for the rigids.  Well done like looks like we have a good team shaping up for France next week.

Several hours later again and I'm writing this in the jacuzzi.  Don't worry no photos will be provided.  Room service meal booked for 8:30 Nasi Goreng mmmmmm.  Just as well the Thistle is full of Land Rover and media types so they upgraded one of their regulars to a suite.

Ps Anyone know the name of Gordon's new friend?


Monday, 24 June 2013

And on the third day...we flew

So day three the wind has dropped to safe levels.  Forecast is not brilliant so we have ann set 90k Race to Anywhere.. and I've landed at a light aircraft strip at Stratford on Avon. At last a good day and I haven't bombed out in the bottom landing field.

And in the hanger is a pair of Yak's!

Saturday, 22 June 2013

BOS round 2 Shropshire

So second competition of the season and it's raining. Which means I'm sat in the Shropshire hills discovery center having tea and cake. Maybe Monday it'll be flyable?

Out trophy maestro has remembered to return the oops! Trophy.  Which unfortunately means that I had to re-tell the little incident where I drove up to the top of Corndon only to realize I'd left my retrieve driver at the campsite oops!  Sorry sorry sorry dearest darling Wendy....

Friday, 14 June 2013

The Magic Flyabout 2013

The question I hear you ask is who's going to be who in our cast of characters on the Magic Flyabout 2013?

Let's see if you can guess as our Odyssey to deepest darkest Annecy unfolds.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Begin at the begining

So the second BOS is rapidly approaching and the 2013 Annecy Pre-worlds are immediately afterwards.  The new harness has only had a 15 minute test flight and to cap it all I need to keep our team manager Ben Philpott happy so I've started a blog...